Array ( [count_posts] => 2 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo0OiJsaWZlIjt9czo2OiJvZmZzZXQiO2k6MDtzOjk6InRheF9xdWVyeSI7YToxOntpOjA7YTozOntzOjg6InRheG9ub215IjtzOjg6InBvc3RfdGFnIjtzOjU6ImZpZWxkIjtzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjU6InRlcm1zIjthOjE6e2k6MDtpOjM5ODc2MTt9fX1zOjExOiJhZnRlckxvY2tlciI7aTowO30= [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 210702 [content] =>Volodimir Zelenszkij videóüzenetben jelentette be, hogy hamarosan elérhetővé válik az Army+ alkalmazás, amely jelentősen megkönnyítheti az ukrán hadsereg parancsnokainak munkáját – számolt be az Index az Ukrajinszkia Pravda nyomán.
Az applikáció fejlesztését áprilisban jelentették be, amiben számos szolgáltatást kombinálnak. Például két kattintással lehet bejelentéseket tenni, valamint az appal könnyebb lesz bemutatni a katonai igazolványokat, sőt még lőszert is tudnak rendelni az illetékesek.
A megjelenést eredetileg nyárra tervezték.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Oroszország, egyes fegyvertípusok esetében már stratégiai készleteit használja, többek között az idén augusztusban legyártott rakétákat – számolt be az ukrán hírszerzés. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1670261280 [modified] => 1670256518 ) [title] => Hírszerzés: Oroszország már a stratégiai rakétakészleteit használja [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 128450 [uk] => 128301 ) [trid] => ild5234 [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 128302 [image] => Array ( [id] => 128302 [original] => [original_lng] => 41051 [original_w] => 1140 [original_h] => 651 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 171 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 439 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 585 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 651 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 651 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1140 [height] => 651 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => life [color] => red [title] => Життя ) [_edit_lock] => 1670249318:5 [_thumbnail_id] => 128302 [_edit_last] => 5 [views_count] => 1956 [_hipstart_feed_include] => 1 [_oembed_9ce3fe768d465c128123debe5e6546e3] =>[_oembed_time_9ce3fe768d465c128123debe5e6546e3] => 1670229282 [_oembed_0b2840c0a07c88388e94681bd9ff0c62] =>#Ukraine: A Russian 1V13 battery fire control vehicle was captured by the Ukrainian forces during the ongoing counter-offensive in #Kharkiv Oblast.
— ?? Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) September 8, 2022[_oembed_time_0b2840c0a07c88388e94681bd9ff0c62] => 1670229282 [_oembed_4e22447d7b49135404b2918a38bc594c] =>#Ukraine: The Ukrainian army captured a damaged Russian R-149AKSh-1 command and signals vehicle and a BTR-82A armored personnel carrier in #Kharkiv Oblast recently.
— ?? Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) September 8, 2022[_oembed_time_4e22447d7b49135404b2918a38bc594c] => 1670229282 [_oembed_15b90b13bca0ee76f2cba3798054ea7e] =>#Ukraine: Another (!) BMP-2 IFV and T-72B3 Obr. 2016 tank were captured by Ukrainian forces during the ongoing #Kharkiv offensive. Both seem to be reasonably functional.
— ?? Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) September 9, 2022[_oembed_time_15b90b13bca0ee76f2cba3798054ea7e] => 1670229283 [_oembed_091d8e3ad75cc381f1372d7e198b1e8d] =>#Ukraine: A Russian T-72B tank with some minor damage was also captured by Ukrainian forces in #Kharkiv Oblast.
— ?? Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) September 9, 2022[_oembed_time_091d8e3ad75cc381f1372d7e198b1e8d] => 1670229283 [_oembed_d4dd6b13a1f2e36de839095982cecc17] =>#Ukraine: Finally, footage from with the city of Izium is emerging- here we see Russian 2S19 Msta-S, 2S19M2 Msta-SM2, and 2S3 Akatsiya 152mm self-propelled howitzers abandoned in the streets.
— ?? Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) September 10, 2022[_oembed_time_d4dd6b13a1f2e36de839095982cecc17] => 1670229283 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 83882 [2] => 49 [3] => 592 [4] => 33 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Háború [2] => Hírek [3] => Társadalom [4] => Ukrajna ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 398761 [1] => 95510 [2] => 398760 [3] => 398759 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => lőszerellátás [1] => orosz csapatok [2] => stratégiai rakéták [3] => ukrán hírszerzés ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 398761 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => life ) [offset] => 0 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 398761 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => life ) [_domains] => Array ( [life] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )#Ukraine: A Russian T-72B3 Obr. 2016 tank was captured by Ukrainian forces in #Kharkiv Oblast- apparently in very good condition.
— ?? Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) September 9, 2022