A nagy-britanniai gyakorlótereken 2,4 ezer ukrán katonát képeztek ki – jelentette be Olekszij Hromov, az ukrán fegyveres erők vezérkara hadműveleti főosztályának vezetőhelyettese. Elmondása szerint jelenleg további 5000 katona kiküldését tervezik, számolt be az UNN.
„A Nagy-Britannia és Ukrajna közötti megállapodások értelmében katonáink kiképzése folytatódik a brit gyakorlóterepeken. A mai adatok szerint már 2400 katonát képeztek ki, további 2400 katona kiképzése van folyamatban, és a tervek szerint további közel 5000 katonát küldünk a gyakorlótérre” – mondta Hromov. Hozzátette: a kiképzésen átesett ukrán katonák sikeresen teljesítenek harci feladatokat az ukrán fegyveres erők soraiban.
Oroszország inváziójára válaszul a brit kormány 2,3 milliárd font katonai segélyt nyújt Ukrajnának.
Ez magába foglal egy innovatív program iránti elkötelezettséget, amely közel 10 000 ukrán katona képzését teszi lehetővé az Egyesült Királyság területén.
A kiképzés az északkeleti, délnyugati és délkeleti régiókban található katonai gyakorlótereken zajlik. A képzést 11. dandár egységei tartják a biztonsági erők támogatásával.
A program célja, hogy a kevés vagy semmilyen katonai tapasztalattal nem rendelkező önkénteseket olyan készségekkel ruházzák fel, amelyek révén hatékonyan tudják végrehajtani a harci műveleteket a fronton. A képzés kiterjed a fegyverkezelésre, a harctéri elsősegélynyújtásra, a terepi technikákra, az őrjárati taktikára és a fegyveres konfliktusok jogszabályaira.
Az ukrán katonák első csoportja július 6-án érkezett az országba kiképzésre.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
UK promised, UK delivered! ????? More M270 MLRS arrived in Ukraine. Thanks to @BWallaceMP and all the ?? people! Your support is amazing and so important for Ukraine. Our #UAarmy will skillfully use this "replenishment" at the battlefield. P.S. More “gifts” will arrive soon. pic.twitter.com/DvVIpz6XjK
"The moment I've been dreading. Try and keep going."
King Charles met with Prime Minister Liz Truss for the first time on Friday.
The monarch also told the PM that the crowds that greeted him and the Queen consort as they arrived at Buckingham Palace were “so touching”. pic.twitter.com/bg04i7bEOF
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
Crowds lining the route in St James’s Park watch on as @KingsTroopRHA make their way around the Queen Victoria Memorial ahead of Trooping the Colour. pic.twitter.com/EDzaoWoA8v
God Save The King. HM King Charles III becomes the first monarch in decades to ride on horseback during Trooping the Colour, His Majesty’s Official Birthday. pic.twitter.com/V4oLbvTPyW
The @rafredarrows bring the curtain down on a very special tri-service flypast above central London, the culmination of King Charles III's first Official Birthday Parade as monarch.
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
Huge security issue as Larry the Downing St. cat shelters under Donald Trump’s limo ‘’the Beast’ & refuses to move. #TrumpinUKpic.twitter.com/i9w4B6w8FK
Hollandia csatlakozott az ukrán hadsereg britek által vezetett kiképzési programjához.
A hírt Olekszij Reznyikov védelmi miniszter közölte a Twitteren.
„Hollandia csatlakozott az Egyesült Királyság által vezetett kiképzési programhoz az ukrán hadsereg katonái számára. A holland stáb idén augusztusban kezdi meg küldetését. Minél több jól képzett harcosunk van, annál közelebb lesz a győzelmünk” – írta, s egyben megköszönte Hollandiának a támogatást.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
UK promised, UK delivered! ????? More M270 MLRS arrived in Ukraine. Thanks to @BWallaceMP and all the ?? people! Your support is amazing and so important for Ukraine. Our #UAarmy will skillfully use this "replenishment" at the battlefield. P.S. More “gifts” will arrive soon. pic.twitter.com/DvVIpz6XjK
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
It was a pleasure to take the first Ukrainian Challenger 2 MBT for a spin. Such tanks, supplied by the United Kingdom, have recently arrived in our country. These fantastic machines will soon begin their combat missions. Thank you, @RishiSunak, @BWallaceMP, and the ?? people. pic.twitter.com/zoCRmKdBnN
A year ago, the russian cruiser “moskva”, with the help of @UA_NAVY, completed its last and most successful operation. It underwent a transformation from the Black Sea's largest tin can into its best diving attraction. We’re not going to stop.russians have 3 options: flee,… pic.twitter.com/mNWVLUSQFJ
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. 🇺🇦🤝🇳🇱
Több mint kétszáz fős katonai kontingenst küldenek a szigetországba négy hónapra.
Anita Anand kanadai védelmi miniszter, akit a The Globe and Mail kanadai hírportál idézett, arról számolt be, hogy egy mintegy 225 fős kanadai kontingenst küldenek Nagy-Britanniába, egyelőre négy hónapra.
Egy kilencven fős csoport már a jövő héten indul a szigetországba.
A britek ukrán civilek ezreinek hajlandók katonai kiképzést nyújtani
Ahogy arról portálunk is beszámolt, a londoni vezetés júniusban jelentette be, hogy ukrán civilek ezreinek hajlandó öthetes katonai kiképzést nyújtani Nagy-Britanniában.
A The Globe and Mail felidézte, hogy Kanada az UNIFIER fedőnevű misszió keretében nyújtott kiképzést az ukrán katonáknak és tiszteknek a tavalyi év végéig.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
FOX EXCLUSIVE: Video shows the plane carrying 90-100 Ukrainian soldiers landing at Fort Sill regional airport to begin training on the Patriot missile system this week at Fort Sill, Oklahoma @WestfallAustinpic.twitter.com/z46YaPzzOF
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
Volodimir Zelenszkij elnök pénteken előretolt állásokat keresett fel a fronton Dnyipropetrovszk megyében, ahol tájékozódott a hadműveleti helyzetről és kitüntetéseket adott át a katonáknak – számolt be az rbc.ua hírportál az államfő Telegram-csatornájára hivatkozva.
A jelentés szerint Zelenszkij a Krivij Rih körzetében megbeszélést tartott a térség helyzetéről, a csapatok és katonai egységek helyzetéről. Az elnök a felkeresett előretolt állásokban kitüntetéseket adott át a katonáknak.
Mint az államfő bejegyzésében írta, „előretolt állások Dnyipropetrovszk megyében. Beszéltem a védőinkkel, kitüntetéseket adtam át nekik.” Hozzátette: a hangulatuk határozott, a szemükben bizalom a győzelmünkben. „Köszönet, amiért Ukrajna szabadságáért harcoltok!” – zárta sorait Volodimir Zelenszkij.
Mint hírportálunk június 6-án beszámolt róla, Zelenszkij elnök Zaporizzsja megyében tett munkalátogatást, amelynek során felkereste az ukrán hadsereg előretolt állásait, és tájékozódott a hadműveleti helyzetről. Az államfő a frontvonalon megismerkedett a hadműveleti helyzettel, és kitüntetéseket adott át a katonáknak. „Szeretném megköszönni nagyszerű munkájukat, szolgálatukat, amit mindannyiunk, az államunk védelmében teljesítenek. Köszönöm mindenkinek. Jó egészséget kívánok önöknek és családjuknak, akik támogatják önöket. Vigyázzanak magukra!” – fordult az elnök a katonákhoz, majd egyperces néma főhajtással tisztelegtek az elesett harcosok emléke előtt.
A message from President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy was just played on the big screens at The Other Stage, shortly before The Libertines’ stage-opening set. #Glastonbury2022pic.twitter.com/LuXf2FfEBf
Talked to @Pontifex_it. Briefed him on RF aggression against ??, its horrible crimes. Grateful to the pontiff for his prayers for ??. Our people need support of world spiritual leaders who should convey to the world the truth about acts of horror committed by the aggressor in ??.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
In 6 months, @u24_gov_ua united hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world in helping ??. We are grateful to everyone for supporting our values, for believing in ?? and our victory. We feel that the world is supporting ??, and this gives us strength in our struggle. pic.twitter.com/gNj0ZeCjmz
What I wanted to ask was how he was really coping… I got so much more. The programme is coming soon. Thank you @ZelenskyyUa for your hospitality in such a difficult time. Stay Strong. pic.twitter.com/OTxMKXaUeF
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
I congratulate Ukrainians, all Christians celebrating Easter today. At frontline, in our cities & villages. All who celebrate Easter in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia. The world that wants to live freely. World that values life, respect & equality of each person. pic.twitter.com/jMDvdCYms6
President Zelensky with Ukrainian Muslim soldiers, leaders of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, & representatives of the Muslim clergy, took part in the Iftar, a dinner held during the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. "We will return to #Crimea." https://t.co/74fHTXuApjpic.twitter.com/Ra3yTuqlqN
Volodymyr #Zelenskyy visited #Iftar together with Muslim soldiers and #CrimeanTatar activists. The President of #Ukraine said that from now on it will become a tradition:
“Today we are starting such a tradition for Ukraine – Iftar at the official level – together with our… pic.twitter.com/6HwjBm0bHh
Many in Russia thought that the Black Sea was the water area of their power. The enemy hoped that our Navy would not be able to withstand Russian attacks. Well, the courage and skill of our warriors destroyed all these enemy hopes and drowned them in the sea.
Concerning the Russian strike on the warriors of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade.
My condolences go out to the close ones of the fallen warriors. This is a tragedy that could have been avoided. Defense Minister Umerov informed me on all actions taken to determine full… pic.twitter.com/USA1Zcl0jd
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) November 5, 2023
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
The sacred Hanukkah lights, lit these days, remind us once again that light always prevails over evil. And of the value of life, which is worth fighting for. My best wishes to the Jewish community on Hanukkah! pic.twitter.com/ghoawSdy7b
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) December 7, 2023
Today is World Cancer Day. I visited Ukraine’s National Cancer Institute to support our young patients, their parents, and everyone fighting this terrible disease. They are all very strong, with a strong belief in our defenders and Ukraine.
⚡️God has a chevron with the Ukrainian flag on his shoulder. With such an ally, life will definitely defeat death - Zelensky's powerful address on Easter.
Germany‼️👇 Rod Stewart showed the Ukrainian flag and a picture of Zelensky,the crowd loudly booed and whistled. People dont buy this Zelensky Bullshit anymore👍 pic.twitter.com/QKkRTUjNVl
Félicitations à @TomCruise que la République nomme Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres ! 🇫🇷
🎬 Son tournage de "Mission Impossible" à Paris en 2017 a magnifiquement mis en valeur notre capitale. Sa défense passionnée des salles de cinéma inspire tous les amoureux du grand écran.… pic.twitter.com/mW5bOssbbL
Today, Olena @ZelenskaUa and I visited the National Specialized Children's Hospital “Okhmatdyt”. We spoke with the children who are undergoing treatment.
Despite everything, the institution is resuming its normal operations and rebuilding its strength after the Russian attack. I… pic.twitter.com/iAZGYy2OCG
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) July 27, 2024
Nagy-Britanniában elkezdődött az ukrán fegyveres erők katonáinak NATO-szabványok szerinti kiképzése, a tervek szerint a felkészítésen 10 000 ukrán harcos vesz részt – jelentette be csütörtökön Vadim Prisztajko, londoni ukrán nagykövet, számolt be az rbc.ua hírportál.
A jelentés szerint a diplomata azt mondta, „körülbelül 10 ezer ukrán katonát képeznek ki Nagy-Britanniában a NATO-szabványoknak megfelelően. Már 1500 katonánk itt van. Hetente 100-200 ember fő érkezik.” A közlése szerint az ukrán harcosok nem csak kiképzésen vesznek részt brit oktatókkal, hanem egyenruhát és fegyvert is kapnak.
Mint hírportálunk június 17-én beszámolt róla, Boris Johnson, Nagy-Britannia miniszterelnöke be nem jelentett kijevi látogatása során felajánlotta Volodimir Zelenszkijnek elnöknek, hogy tömegesen képezik ki az ukrán hadsereg katonáit brit területen. Mint Johnson megjegyezte: „az ukrán hadsereg brit rakétákkal védi országa szuverenitását, de ugyanazokat a szabadságjogokat is, amelyeket természetesnek tartunk. Ezért javasoltam Zelenszkij elnöknek egy új, nagyszabású katonai kiképzési programot, amely megváltoztathatja ennek a háborúnak a kimenetelét.” Mint tárgyalópartnereinek hangsúlyozta, Nagy-Britannia hadserege képes 120 naponként akár 10-10 ezer ukrán katona kiképzésére is.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
UK promised, UK delivered! ????? More M270 MLRS arrived in Ukraine. Thanks to @BWallaceMP and all the ?? people! Your support is amazing and so important for Ukraine. Our #UAarmy will skillfully use this "replenishment" at the battlefield. P.S. More “gifts” will arrive soon. pic.twitter.com/DvVIpz6XjK
"The moment I've been dreading. Try and keep going."
King Charles met with Prime Minister Liz Truss for the first time on Friday.
The monarch also told the PM that the crowds that greeted him and the Queen consort as they arrived at Buckingham Palace were “so touching”. pic.twitter.com/bg04i7bEOF
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
FOX EXCLUSIVE: Video shows the plane carrying 90-100 Ukrainian soldiers landing at Fort Sill regional airport to begin training on the Patriot missile system this week at Fort Sill, Oklahoma @WestfallAustinpic.twitter.com/z46YaPzzOF
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
It was a pleasure to take the first Ukrainian Challenger 2 MBT for a spin. Such tanks, supplied by the United Kingdom, have recently arrived in our country. These fantastic machines will soon begin their combat missions. Thank you, @RishiSunak, @BWallaceMP, and the ?? people. pic.twitter.com/zoCRmKdBnN
Crowds lining the route in St James’s Park watch on as @KingsTroopRHA make their way around the Queen Victoria Memorial ahead of Trooping the Colour. pic.twitter.com/EDzaoWoA8v
God Save The King. HM King Charles III becomes the first monarch in decades to ride on horseback during Trooping the Colour, His Majesty’s Official Birthday. pic.twitter.com/V4oLbvTPyW
The @rafredarrows bring the curtain down on a very special tri-service flypast above central London, the culmination of King Charles III's first Official Birthday Parade as monarch.
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
Huge security issue as Larry the Downing St. cat shelters under Donald Trump’s limo ‘’the Beast’ & refuses to move. #TrumpinUKpic.twitter.com/i9w4B6w8FK
Vitalij Klicsko, Kijev polgármestere arra kérte a kormányt, hogy hozzon létre egy katonai temetőt a fővárosban Ukrajna védőinek nyughelyéül.
„Ukrajna most nagy tragédián és nagy megpróbáltatásokon megy keresztül: katonáink, hazafiaink, az ukrán nemzet hősei halnak meg államunk szabadságáért és függetlenségéért. Nekünk pedig az a kötelességünk, hogy tiszteljük tetteiket és a hősök emlékét” – idézte Klicskót az Ukrajinszka Pravda.
A városi tanács a katonai temetőt a Babij Jar-i holokauszttemető mellett szeretné létrehozni, és magára vállalná ennek teljes költségét.
„Szükség van viszont országos szintű támogatásra is az okirati alátámasztások ügyében, esetleg külön törvény elfogadására ebben a kérdésben. Meggyőződésem, hogy Kijevnek az állammal közösen kellene megvalósítania ezt a projektet” – tette hozzá a polgármester.
A ma Kijevhez tartozó Babij Jarban követték el a második világháború történetének egyik legnagyobb tömegmészárlását. 1941. szeptember 29-én és 30-án a német megszállók több mint 33 ezer zsidót tereltek össze és lőttek agyon egy szakadéknál.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
VIDEO: McDonald's re-opens a restaurant in Ukraine for the first time since Russia's invasion.
The highly-anticipated relaunch has been seen by many Ukrainians as a symbolic show of support, with the chain remaining shuttered in Russia pic.twitter.com/gUE7IJi2aI
#Kyiv. Another high-rise residential building restored after #russian attack. ?? will never give up. We will spare no efforts to stop ?? aggression and not allow it to spread further. The more weapons we get, the more lives will be saved, the sooner justice will be served. pic.twitter.com/DydAPIH2eC
What I wanted to ask was how he was really coping… I got so much more. The programme is coming soon. Thank you @ZelenskyyUa for your hospitality in such a difficult time. Stay Strong. pic.twitter.com/OTxMKXaUeF
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
Brad Paisley, the owner of three Grammy statuettes and United24 ambassador, sang Chervona Ruta in the center of Kyiv. Source: Alex Mochanov pic.twitter.com/WO6zt9S959
The Ukrainian Ministry of Culture promised to install the Ukrainian coat of arms instead of the Soviet one by the Day of Independence of Ukraine, which is celebrated on August 24. pic.twitter.com/fVa1ClxEfl
The replacement of the Soviet coat of arms with the Ukrainian one on Mother Motherland monument has begun. ?Yan Dobronosov/Telegraf pic.twitter.com/si5adm95Ra
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
Today is World Cancer Day. I visited Ukraine’s National Cancer Institute to support our young patients, their parents, and everyone fighting this terrible disease. They are all very strong, with a strong belief in our defenders and Ukraine.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
Naponta 50–100 katona esik el az Oroszország elleni háborúban a Kelet-Ukrajnában, ezen a frontszakaszon a legnehezebb a helyzet – jelentette ki Volodimir Zelenszkij elnök vasárnap az Andrzej Duda lengyel elnökkel tartott találkozója után, adta hírül az rbc.ua hírportál.
A jelentés szerint az elnök a férfiak Ukrajna elhagyási tilalmának megszüntetését célzó petíció kapcsán azt mondta: „ma 50–100 ember veszítheti életét a legnehezebb frontszakaszunkon, országunk keleti részén.” Hozzátette, „ők a szabadságunkat és függetlenségünket védik, amiről a világon mindenki így beszél, mindenki beszél, de mi személy szerint nagyon erősen érezzük.”
A hírportál emlékeztetett arra, hogy Zelenszkij legutóbb április közepén nevezte meg az ukrán hadsereg veszteségeit. A CNN amerikai hírtelevíziónak nyilatkozva az elnök azt mondta, hogy 3000 katona esett el.
A message from President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy was just played on the big screens at The Other Stage, shortly before The Libertines’ stage-opening set. #Glastonbury2022pic.twitter.com/LuXf2FfEBf
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
Talked to @Pontifex_it. Briefed him on RF aggression against ??, its horrible crimes. Grateful to the pontiff for his prayers for ??. Our people need support of world spiritual leaders who should convey to the world the truth about acts of horror committed by the aggressor in ??.
President Volodymyr Zelensky visited veterans at a hospital in Lviv, where he arrived on Aug. 18 for a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
During Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech in #Izium an explosion was heard, but the president of #Ukraine did not even interrupt his speech. pic.twitter.com/aJtEq0Dy6Z
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
I congratulate Ukrainians, all Christians celebrating Easter today. At frontline, in our cities & villages. All who celebrate Easter in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia. The world that wants to live freely. World that values life, respect & equality of each person. pic.twitter.com/jMDvdCYms6
President Zelensky with Ukrainian Muslim soldiers, leaders of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, & representatives of the Muslim clergy, took part in the Iftar, a dinner held during the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. "We will return to #Crimea." https://t.co/74fHTXuApjpic.twitter.com/Ra3yTuqlqN
Volodymyr #Zelenskyy visited #Iftar together with Muslim soldiers and #CrimeanTatar activists. The President of #Ukraine said that from now on it will become a tradition:
“Today we are starting such a tradition for Ukraine – Iftar at the official level – together with our… pic.twitter.com/6HwjBm0bHh
Many in Russia thought that the Black Sea was the water area of their power. The enemy hoped that our Navy would not be able to withstand Russian attacks. Well, the courage and skill of our warriors destroyed all these enemy hopes and drowned them in the sea.
Bakhmut direction, advanced positions of the Special Operations Forces. Today, I am here to congratulate our warriors on their professional day, to honor their strength. I heard a commander's report, talked with the warriors. Very powerful, very effective. Thank you!
In the surgical department of the hospital, I talked to children who are undergoing treatment after mine-blast injuries sustained during shelling of the region.
I thank our medics for their great work. For bringing back to life children, who are our future,… pic.twitter.com/qbFPiNXWu0
Concerning the Russian strike on the warriors of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade.
My condolences go out to the close ones of the fallen warriors. This is a tragedy that could have been avoided. Defense Minister Umerov informed me on all actions taken to determine full… pic.twitter.com/USA1Zcl0jd
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) November 5, 2023
The sacred Hanukkah lights, lit these days, remind us once again that light always prevails over evil. And of the value of life, which is worth fighting for. My best wishes to the Jewish community on Hanukkah! pic.twitter.com/ghoawSdy7b
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) December 7, 2023
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
Today is World Cancer Day. I visited Ukraine’s National Cancer Institute to support our young patients, their parents, and everyone fighting this terrible disease. They are all very strong, with a strong belief in our defenders and Ukraine.
⚡️God has a chevron with the Ukrainian flag on his shoulder. With such an ally, life will definitely defeat death - Zelensky's powerful address on Easter.
Germany‼️👇 Rod Stewart showed the Ukrainian flag and a picture of Zelensky,the crowd loudly booed and whistled. People dont buy this Zelensky Bullshit anymore👍 pic.twitter.com/QKkRTUjNVl
Germany‼️👇 Rod Stewart showed the Ukrainian flag and a picture of Zelensky,the crowd loudly booed and whistled. People dont buy this Zelensky Bullshit anymore👍 pic.twitter.com/QKkRTUjNVl
The Vatican Secretary of State is received in Kyiv by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, to whom he conveys the Pope's solidarity and the Holy See's commitment to help find "a just and lasting peace".
Today, Olena @ZelenskaUa and I visited the National Specialized Children's Hospital “Okhmatdyt”. We spoke with the children who are undergoing treatment.
Despite everything, the institution is resuming its normal operations and rebuilding its strength after the Russian attack. I… pic.twitter.com/iAZGYy2OCG
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) July 27, 2024
Olekszij Hromov, az Ukrán Fegyveres Erők (ZSZU) Vezérkarának helyettes vezetője egy sajtótájékoztatón bejelentette, hogy folytatódik a Mariupolban tartózkodó katonák evakuálása.
„Mariupol irányában csökkent a harci cselekmények intenzivitása. A hőseink kimenekítésének érdekében tett intézkedések jelenleg is folynak” – közölte.
Az újságírók megkérdezték a tisztviselőt, hogy életveszélyt jelent-e a katonák számára az, hogy az oroszok által ellenőrzött területre evakuálták őket. Hromov a kérdésre válaszolva azt felelte, hogy reménykednek abban, hogy Oroszország betartja az ezzel kapcsolatos ígéretét.
The @DefenceU Marines, @ng_ukraine guards, @TDF_UA volunteers, and other #AzovstalDefenders who held out in Mariupol for nearly 3 months, bogging down the ?? army and allowing ?? to win the Battle of Kyiv.
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
Ї letter massively appears in occupied Mariupol as a new form of protest is taking momentum
People are painting Ukrainian letters Ї on the streets, irritating occupiers. Ї is not present in the Russian language and is one of the symbols of Ukraine ?from advisor to the mayor pic.twitter.com/Lh8kaQwjOR
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
The Netherlands has joined the UK-led program of training servicemembers of #UAarmy. Dutch personnel will start their mission this August. The more well-trained fighters we have, the closer our victory. Thanks to @KajsaOllongren for friendship and support. ?????
⚡️ More than 1,000 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since Feb. 24.
Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate’s press officer Andriy Yusov said on Oct. 29 that almost 30 exchanges have already taken place since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Russia brought war back to Europe, but Ukraine keeps fighting back. Glad to announce to PM @Denys_Shmyhal that EU Military Assistance Mission #EUMAM will train additional 15.000 Ukrainian soldiers, taking the total number of EUMAM trained personnel to 30.000. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/cLTspN6MBz
The UK has helped train 32,000 Ukrainian troops for their ongoing fight for freedom. The latest cohort of soldiers has left the UK to return to the frontline in time for Christmas.
This week their new friends in the UK Armed Forces held a Christmas celebration to wish them well. pic.twitter.com/u6xuPJL6Zs
Throughout all of this time, we have not stopped working for a single day to bring everyone home from Russian captivity.
And today, we have an important result: 75 more of our people have returned to Ukraine. The Armed Forces, National Guard, border guards, and four civilians.… pic.twitter.com/FrsHfb2fpM
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) May 31, 2024
The prisoner exchange between the West and Russia is happening right now in Ankara, Turkey. Evan Gershkovich, Paul Whelan, Kevin Lik and more are getting freed. Unfortunately, some Russian high-profile terrorists such as Vadim Krassikov are going back to Russia. pic.twitter.com/pxRCYiqZYU